Sometimes we can all be a little guilty of letting life take over, and so in many cases we can ignore common health worries. In some instances, we can even be as guilty as doing more harm to our health than good. We choose different lifestyles and live our lives. However, we sometimes need a bit of a reality check to remember to take care of our bodies as one day we may regret some of the decisions we have made. It’s easy to avoid exercise through fear of injury – especially in the radiculopathy cervical region. Your body needs to move to feel good and to up your fitness, but when you’re avoiding movement through fear of injury or even through the “can’t be bothered” feeling, you are going to need a little oomph. You should consider that exercise is a part of your lifestyle now, and without it you won’t feel as energetic or happy as you could be feeling. Take the time to introduce exercise into your everyday life, and you won’t regret the way that you feel within yourself as a result. It’s easy to say no, to shy away – aren’t you up for the challenge?
I wanted to share with you some of the things to think about when it comes to your lifestyle and your health in this guest post.
Taking Charge Of Your Lifestyle: Are You Doing All That You Can?

Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay
Are you exercising enough?
Exercise is one of those things you might love to do, or perhaps learn to love to do eventually. Not many people gladly put themselves through gruelling activity, but, if you are not exercising enough then you could be causing more harm than good to your body. Exercise is something we should all do at least a few times a week, and if you haven’t done any, the best advice would be to start small and work your body up to greater levels of fitness.
Are you eating the right things?
I think we can all be guilty of eating the wrong things from time to time, but did you know that too much of the wrong stuff can cause some serious harm to your health? It might be time to add some supplements to your diet to help you in different ways. Maybe things like cbd tinctures, multi-vitamins, or embracing other superfoods. Too much sugar in your diet, junk food and such can lead on to your body not being able to handle consistent high sugar levels which will then develop into diabetes. The food you eat can also affect your weight.
Is your mindset in the right place?
Your mind is a powerful tool so not having the right mindset in place can be more damaging to your health than good. Your mindset can control how you feel, how you act and what you do. A negative mindset can be the cause or culprit to other things such as depression and anxiety. So it is important to pay attention to your thoughts and what you might be consistently telling yourself. Of course, this isn’t always an easy thing to do and you should be mindful that it is easier to say you have a positive mindset than it is to actually act upon it. Sometimes anxiety and depression can take over, and we don’t realise that we may need a little extra help to enable us to feel happier in ourselves once more. It might be worth seeking out expert help in the form of therapy. Did you know that you could consider therapy covered by insurance? This means that you can get the very best help when it comes to getting back to normal without the additional worry of wondering how you may pay for it.
Our minds are what can control how we action the rest of our lives. If you want to exercise more, you need to have the right mindset. If you want to eat healthily, you need to have the right mindset. If you want to tackle a career change, start something new or even have the confidence to make new friendships or work on relationships, you need the right mindset. So make sure you take care of your mind as well as your physical health.
Are you getting enough sleep?
The amount of sleep you need is vital to your health, believe it or not. Working hard and playing harder can be great, but doing this long term and missing out on valuable sleep can start to have a major effect on your health. Sleep allows your body time to recover and rejuvenate, so make sure you give your body this time.
Stress and anxiety levels rising?
Finally, we all know that life can get stressful and your anxiety can reach fever pitch when times are tough. These things can then go on to cause other mental health issues or neglecting other aspects of your life that help to make you feel good. If you notice things are not going well take yourself out of the situation and try and work out what is wrong. Knowing that you can perhaps relive the situation or fix it in some way could help.
Let’s hope that this has highlighted some of the things you could be doing every day that could be affecting your health and letting you take charge of your lifestyle!