Schools’ ending, summer’s almost here….and kids will be free to play, to camp, climb, crawl, kick, swim and all kinds of other fun things for the summer. Scholastic and Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats have created a “Big Day” campaign where they challenge parents and kids alike to make every day a “Big Day.” Sounds easy enough, right?
I was asked to share about this campaign with you and tell you a little bit more about the features and concepts behind making each day a BIG DAY. We all know that a good, balanced breakfast can help get our day off on the right foot, offering much needed energy to keep both our minds sharp and our bodies moving. No matter what the day will bring, having a balanced breakfast to begin will get you off and running on the right foot!
There are all kinds of BIG DAY events that will happen over the summer- I think this will be the summer my son rides his bike without his training wheels for the first time….and I have a feeling my littlest one will be able to swim all the way across the pool without stopping before August ends. There’s going to be first bike rides, first sleepovers, first time rollerskating, first days at camp, first sleeps in a new house, first time climbing trees, and oh so many other big days!

My daughter finally was able to get her own tooth out. She was SO proud of herself, and very excited. A big day for her!
One way we adults can help kids be ready for those BIG DAY events is by always offering them a full, balanced breakfast with whole grains and fruit options to start their day. A balanced breakfast gives them the fuel their minds and bodies need to tackle those big days and make them awesome. Once they’ve had that great breakfast, the best thing I can say is to document the big days. It may not seem huge to us but to them, it’s everything. Snap the photos, celebrate their accomplishments, big and small. They’ll remember long after their breakfast is gone!
Scholastic and Frosted Mini Wheats want to know about YOUR family BIG DAY events. To share your big days, head over to Scholastic and follow the instructions. Your little one’s big day could be a really big day if they make it onto the Scholastic site!
This post is brought to you by our friends at Kellogg’s. Opinions are my own.
Monica says
The photo of your daughter is the cutest picture ever, you can tell she is so proud! Lots of fun Big day happenings going on!
Kathleen Kennedy-Leon says
OMG—LOVE that your daughter’s face with that toothless smile just filled up my computer screen. I will be going food shopping later today and will pick up some mini wheats–I used to eat them all the time growing up and I’m sure my kids would love them too.
You are so right about documenting the “big” days–they are all big days and go by so quickly!!!
Stacie says
So cute!!! I agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast makes me feel “off” the rest of the day.
Mini Wheats are a favourite in our house too!
Sabrina Radke says
Aw, sounds like your littles are making some big steps this summer…I have a feeling mine are going to be too! I have never been a huge breakfast person myself but I always make my boys eat SOMETHING, I was a frosted mini wheats fan as a kid so I need to bring that back to our table and set a better example for my boys!
Kelly Stilwell says
That’s the cutest picture! Sounds like some fun is going on over at Scholastic!